About me
As a child I was always fascinated with engines, I always wanted to see inside as the fire consumes the fuel. I decided to make a see through engine first to improve my engineering skills and also just to fulfill my childhood fascinations.
I hope to use any profits from selling these engines to invest in machinery for my workshop so that I can create other engineering creations.
My Home VilLage
The side of my lathe and newly made parts for the engines in my toolbox.
Basement Workshop
Apologies for the mess, I’ve been busy. This is my basement where I create the engines and make a lot of dust.
First engine, warts and all.
Prototype Engine
After many false starts and dead ends, this was the first working prototype of the engine. As you can see I had dirty hands!
Future Projects
If people are interested in these engines I have plans to create other see through models including the following
Straight Four, V8 etc four stroke model engines
Rotary (Wankel engine)
Steam engine with see through valve chest
See through axial jet engine ( I think this can be done although difficult and quite dangerous ! )